

Is your school or organization looking for outstanding mentors to visit your students in person or virtually? Our Mentor + program is a fantastic way to add excitement to your school year. Our mentors are there to support your message, encourage students to be cooperative and put forth effort while helping them set goals and understand “what they look like on paper!” Our workshop series help students stay focused on building a good foundation during middle school and the early years of high school as well as how to improve their options after school. Whether you are a school or organization looking to facilitate large or small group mentoring we’ve got a solution to fit your needs. We like to think of ourselves as not only mentors, but life coaches as well. We evaluate the needs of the students we service and come up with a long term strategy to help them succeed.

Group Mentoring

Classroom size groups of up to forty are a great fit for these sessions. Using one of our mentors to during a class period once or twice per month is great way to give students something different to look forward to. Group mentoring sessions cover a topics such as character building, getting the most out of high school, smart social media, technology and careers, financing college and credit basics. These workshops range from 50 minutes to 90 minutes and completely engage students as they complete workshops and participate in discussion.

Small Group  Mentoring

Groups of up to twelve students are a great fit for small group mentoring. This sessions can cover the same topics as group mentoring but can also act as reading and reflection or special project time. During these sessions students may read aloud from different books and then reflect on what they’ve read with the group. Students may also use this time to work with mentors on school news letters or other special projects. This is a flexible way to engage students of all levels.

Mentor + Private Mentoring

Our Mentor + Private Service Services and private mentoring were designed in response to the growing need for additional counselors, community members and tutoring in schools. Many students need more individual attention to build stronger resumes in high school. This service is focused on improving what your student looks like on paper: GPA, ACT/SAT, Involvement. Students who have high marks in these areas greatly improve their chances of attending the college of their choice. Students in our private mentoring program cover our life skills curriculum during their high school years. Mentors also regularly check students progress reports and involvement. Parents are updated monthly on the progress of students, as well as given information on what they can do to help keep their young adult on the right path.